Atlantic Coast S Gaugers - ACSG
"Promoting S Gauge along the East Coast"
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The Washington & Old Dominion Division of the Atlantic Coast S Gaugers is the third division formed in the ACSG. This division first organized in February 2000.

Our first show was June 3, 2000 at the Manassass (VA) Railway Festival. We ran a 14' X 26' modular layout. Our first show had many of the normal first show problems, plus a few others. We did not receive power until 30 minutes after the show began due to poor communication among show organizers. Our layout features lots of operating accessories which visitors are encouraged to operate, unlike other scales that visitors are only allowed to watch trains go around, and around.

This show was in the parking lot of the Manassass train station so the layout was on a slight incline.
Whenever the train uncoupled on the downhill grade we simply slowed the train enough for the cars to recouple then highballed again. We told the crowd it was a planned part of the show.
This photo is from the December 2000 Chantilly, VA Greenberg Show and shows Bruce Tibbett's Lionel Milwaukee E5 and Bill Novak's Lionel C&O passenger train at Plasticville Union Station and Chris Johnson's Plasticville village.
In this photo from the 2002 Manassas VA Rail Days festival at the historic, renovated, Manassas Station, Michael Horn has the trains lined-up and John Rodgers works with his lumber car.

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